How to Put on Your Own Moon Festival Event

So many of you got in touch to ask how you can be part of Moon Festival and too often we had to say no because of time and money which we hated to do because let’s face it, you had some really brilliant ideas. And so we decided to open up our programme to the world.

Below are some simple guidelines to help you understand if you’re the Moon Festival type. And if you are: read on, read on, Moon lover of mine… we can’t wait to meet you.


Bring different age groups together. The way most people in the world operate is folks from different generations talk to one another. Let’s try that again and see whether it helps this sorry state we’re in.

Bring different cultures together. The way we all become smarter, braver, funnier, wiser. We talk to people who do things differently from the way we do them. In so doing, we begin entertaining the possibility that we are not, in fact, the centre of the Universe.

Bring people out of their homes to look at the Moon together with others.

Fit our theme of The Moon, Not Just the Moon Landing.


Activities with the words ‘giant leap’ in the title

Activities focused on celebrating ambition, exploration, and resilience

Activities celebrating the Apollo 11 crew/landing/achievements


The Moon in relation to cultural heritage

The Moon in relation to agriculture/food/festivals/cycles

The Moon as a source of wonder

The Moon in horror and pop-culture

Cultural movements inspired by the space race/Moon Landing

Your activity must take place between July 19th – 26th 2019.


Your activity can take any form you like including but by no means limited to: a meal, a play, a walk, a film, gig, reading/spoken word/storytelling event, a Twitter campaign, a circus act, a lecture/conference, a screening, a stargazing night, a club night, a vlog.


What story are you telling? We want to know what angle you’re taking and what you want your audience to feel.

Who is your activity for? Who will come through the door? We want a practical example of the first 3 people buying a ticket/stopping to watch the performance etc.

Who are you working with? Do you have a team/collaborators? Are you an organisation or an individual? Have a cat you like? Tell us about it.

So, what are you doing, where are you doing it and how are you doing it? Don’t be woolly please. What we’re trying to establish is if you can make it happen so show us.


Our brand. Your activities will appear next to names such as Margaret Atwood, Amy Lamé, Charlie Dark, Maggie Aderin Pocock, Inua Ellams, SEED Ensemble. If we choose to work together then we will send you a branding document, logo pack and guidelines on how to use our brand + be part of a national press campaign run by one of the edgiest PR companies in the entertainment industry.

Visibility and promotion including: listing on our website + 1 Instagram post / 3 Tweets / 3 Facebook posts + mention in press release + inclusion in digital brochure/official programme.

Ticketing facilities. If you want to sell tickets for your event you can use our platform to do so. That’s handy for people/organisations that don’t have a ticketing facility as we take a smaller cut than any other provider out there.



Advise on how to raise money.

Admin support with your activity. You plan it. You run it.

Promotional support outside of what we commit to.


Your activity must credit the main Moon Festival. If your event is approved we will send you a branding pack and guidelines on how to use our brand/how to acknowledge the festival.

Your activity needs to be planned and delivered to the highest standards.

Your activity needs to be diverse. This includes but is not limited to ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, outlook.

A report/love letter. At the end of your activity we want to know how it went. If your event is approved we will send you more information on how to do this.


You can submit videos, presentation, documents, audio material, you can sing us a song or you can send us a fruit basket. Trust us: if we’re intrigued by what you do we will jump through all sorts of hoops to see it. However please bear the following in mind:

We love beautiful things: submit a Word document with three different fonts and it will put us off. Fact.

We love a good story. And we don’t just say that. You have to have thought about what story you’re telling and why that makes us care.

We love meaningful experiences. Your audience/community are in your hands and so is our brand. Show us you’ve thought about them and what they will feel/experience.